
Higher Education Scholarships

The Natomas Arts and Education Foundation scholarships are designed to provide NCS students and students attending school within Sacramento County with assistance in funding their higher education. If you are an NCS student or attending a school in Sacramento County, you may be eligible for our scholarships. While part of the application is an art submission, it is not required that you major in an artistic discipline. We are more interested in the impact of art on you and your future endeavors, whatever your field of study may be. See eligibility information and application instructions below.

General Information

  • NAEF is now offering three scholarships, awarded annually. Two for NCS graduating Seniors and one for any graduating Senior in the Sacramento Region.
  • This is a one-time scholarship totaling $500.00 for each recipient.
  • Deadline is April 25, 2025, 5:00PM.
  • Scholarship money is intended for school expenses.
  • Scholarship recipients will be announced in late May 2025.
  • A check will be written in the name of the student once student provides a class schedule for their next educational institution.
  • This scholarship will be decided by the Natomas Arts and Education Foundation Board of Directors.


  • Applicant must be a graduating Senior from a Natomas Charter School High School Academy or a high school in Sacramento County
  • Have a minimum GPA of 3.0 


  • Provide a letter from your current school confirming your current GPA. Letter should  be signed by your school Counselor, Administrator, Coordinator, Vice Principal, or Principal and include your school  seal.
  • Provide a copy of current student ID (if your program issues one).
  • Provide proof of acceptance into school/program attending after high school.
  • Submit artistic demonstration – e.g.: song, monologue, artwork, photography, or poetry – as an expression of how the arts have impacted your education. (Performances should be filmed and submitted as a YouTube link via email, visual arts can be shared by photograph using a google drive).
  • A brief essay (500 -750 words) explaining how your artistic demonstration is an expression of the impact the arts has had on your education. Describe the impact and how you see that artistic foundation impacting your college experience, future career choices, and how you approach that work. In addition please share how these funds will be used to help further your education.

Please email Sarah Winter at with any questions.


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Promoting the arts through culturally enriching opportunities