Support NAEF
Big Day of Giving
Natomas Arts and Education Foundation (NAEF) is celebrating the Big Day of Giving, May 1, 2025. Be a part of supporting education at Natomas Charter School. Your donation will help us in our capitol campaign for NCS. Plans for two major building projects are underway. One at the Blackrock campus for a new building to house Leading Edge, upgraded student restrooms, as well as two new drama classrooms, a new Black Box Theatre, and upgraded visual arts classrooms. A second project at Star Academy to house additional classrooms including TK, special education, as well as music and performing arts.

Help us reach our goal of $20,000.
You can make a donation to support NAEF on the Big Day of Giving by clicking on the DONATE button below.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Contact Sarah Winter to become a NAEF Sponsor or to purchase a Seat Plaque or Engraved Brick at
Race for the Arts
Natomas Arts and Education Foundation (NAEF) sponsors a Team for Natomas Charter School in the Annual Race for the Arts. This annual community event is a lot of fun for NCS, we hope to have a Team for the 5K Walk/Run (most walk this), NAEF will have a booth there, and we use this as our kickoff fundraising event for the 2024-2025 school year! For more information about the event itself, please click here
To join Team NCS, click the “Join the Team” button below.
For the fundraising aspect of this, NAEF gets to keep all of the money raised. This will help as we continue our major capital fundraising for both the Blackrock campus as well as Star Academy. Download the fundraising donation form for our team HERE. You can also have family and friends go to and click on the “Donation” button to contribute. This is a very grassroots fundraising event, if you are part of the team, you can individually contact your friends and family and ask them to sponsor you for this run/walk; if you aren’t able to participate, you can still support this fundraising effort by contacting your family and friends and ask them to support your school’s team! Our goal is to raise $10,000 for this event.
Help us reach our goal of $10,000.
You can make a donation to support NAEF at the Race for the Arts by clicking on the DONATE button below.